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Fractional CTO

If your venture is missing a CTO or can’t afford to hire a full-time CTO, we can jump in and take over responsibility promptly. Founders often start without a CTO and hire an external agency to develop their MVP. Once they start scaling up their companies, they are overwhelmed with the new challenges coming up.

Together we can set the fundaments for your infrastructure and applications, define all relevant processes and workflows and hire a team to get your business standing on its own feet. A bad software architecture, vacant key positions or an unrealistic strategy can set your company back in years and put the success of your venture at risk.

By working with an interim or fractional CTO as your sparring partner, you can be sure to make the right decisions and maintain your focus on growing your business.

We can help you with:

Recruiting, Scaling and Managing Engineering Teams

Technical Roadmap

Software Architecture and Vendor Evaluation

Recruiting, Scaling and Managing Engineering Teams

Recruiting a tech team is a major challenge in current labour markets. On-site, offshore, nearshore? Work with an agency or hire an in-house recruiter? How to differentiate yourself from overpaying Silicon Valley companies? With my experience in recruiting, assessing and hiring various engineering teams, I can help you find your sweet spot. we’ve developed a framework for assessing the qualifications of tech staff to minimize expensive hiring mistakes.

As experts in remote workforce management and technical recruiting, we can help you to brand yourself as an attractive employer and hand-pick and hire exceptional talents in nearshore and offshore markets.

Technical Roadmap

It’s often overwhelming to have a backlog that would easily fill the next hundred Sprints and countless stakeholders pushing for their requirements to be implemented first. Refactoring and technology updates that typically get looked over can lead to problems down the road.

We’ll help you set up a framework for handling your technical roadmap and ensure consistent stakeholder communication. Ultimately, we’ll get your engineering team on board, so they’re aligned with your goals.

Software Architecture and Vendor Evaluation

We can help startups define a solid architecture for your products and ensure that your IT infrastructure scales with your business. With a broad palette of cost-efficient and battle-proofed vendors and tools, we’ll select the best ones for your use-case and engage in change management to ensure their actual implementation. Together with your engineering team, we’ll set up the fundamentals of your software and decide on the standards to be applied